Children and Young People Support Services

At Verbatim we recognise that many children, young people and their families, at times, need extra support to achieve their full potential and lead healthy, happy lives.

We have a team of skilled teachers, teaching assistants, Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators and therapists who offer a range of private, self- referral services delivered in a therapeutic, friendly space.

Our team consists of qualified SENCOs, Teachers and Teaching Assistants   

Cognition & Learning

Verbatim education was created after dramatic cuts to local funding, to support children who were not achieving to their full potential or demonstrating learning difficulties or barriers to their learning e.g. concentration difficulties.

We recognise that the journey can be quite long and frustrating for parents and schools who might have concerns about their children, and identifying their barriers to learning and offer a private service to help speed up this process, provide evidence towards EHCP application, and advice on effective ways to support children in their learning.

We have a team of professionals with extensive experience in education and special educational needs.

  • Verbatim can offer your child the unique opportunity of having an assessment where both you and they feel most comfortable either within the home setting, school or at Verbatim.

  • The assessment begins with an informal chat where we use a simple scale to discover how the child feels about their learning, what they enjoy or find difficult and what they think might be able to make their learning improve. A range of assessments are then used to uncover the child’s learning profile revealing how they best learn and areas they may need support with and why. Areas assessed include:

    ● Understanding of language

    ● Non-verbal reasoning skills

    ● General intelligence strengths and weaknesses

    ● Working memory – both auditory and visual

    ● Phonic recognition and skills

    ● Reading accuracy, comprehension, fluency,

    ● Spelling and written skills

    ● Diagnostic testing for dyslexia and visual stress

    ● Assessment for numeracy and dyscalculia can also be requested.

    Whilst the data from these assessments is valuable, we are also interested in observing how the child manages tasks in terms of concentration, attention to task and self-esteem.

    All these areas are factored in when creating a full picture of a child’s particular learning style.

  • Equipment and healthy snacks are provided by us. All that is needed is a quiet space with a table for the short writing tasks. However, we are incredibly adaptable and have been known to undertake parts of the assessment on a climbing frame, within a playhouse and in a couple of feet of snow! Our aim is to make the experience as fun as possible and we go to great efforts to meet the needs of the individual.

    The assessment length can vary though a general guide would be two to three hours for a Key Stage 1 child and three to four hours with a Key stage 2 or 3. Breaks are built into the session at regular intervals to suit the needs of the child.

  • In some cases, where children might be presenting difficulties with concentration, attention or perceived negative behaviours; observation within the school setting is beneficial. This can only be undertaken with the educational settings full support and cooperation through written agreement.

    Whenever possible an observation is best undertaken when the child has not yet met us. Parents and Carers are not required to attend. One of us simply joins the class for a morning, or at a time when the school is reporting concerns and monitor the child. This might include, recording the following aspects:

    ● Attention

    ● Concentration

    ● Peer relations

    ● Staff relations

    ● Learning style

    ● Attachment style

    ● Fine and Gross motor skills

    ● General presentation

    Whenever possible, we will also meet with the key members of staff for your child to obtain their perspective and concerns. Information will then be feedback to parents and carers separately. At a later time, I then encourage a joint meeting with parents and school to plan a way forward.

  • Before every observation, we will meet with parents and carers without the child to discuss concerns and obtain a developmental background.

    Parents & Carers are welcome to stay with their child during the assessment but often after an initial chat students are happy for them to leave.

    Parent’s and family’s points of view are really valuable and play an integral part of the report. Learning, medical, developmental and family history are discussed and reflected on in the written report through prior agreement with parents and carers.

    All findings are discussed with the parents/carers on the day. It is incredibly valuable, when possible, to also discuss this with the child’s class teacher so recommendations can be made when necessary.

  • All findings will then be provided within a formal report and will include:

    ● Daily classroom and individual strategies to support your child

    ● Specific and general advice on how to support learning at home

    ● Written in a clear and readable form for both parents and other professionals

    ● Presented in a dyslexic and visual stress friendly layout and format

    ● Sent within 14 working days to your home address and child’s school.


After school tuition for KS1 & KS2 to support with literacy and/ or numeracy

We can help children towards specific targets such as passing the Year 1 Phonic Screening assessment or offer more general support such as working in a 1 to 1 situation to help increase a child's confidence or self esteem and so raise levels of well being. All sessions are offered in a relaxed and informal environment with activities tailored to the child’s individual needs, interests and learning styles.

  • Regular sessions with one of our experienced teachers from our Alternative Provision Team.
    Continuity in meeting with the same practitioner each time to build a relationship.
    Practitioner will discuss goals and academic achievement with parent/carers and school.

    Referrals welcome from schools, organisations and families.

Forest Schools

Forest School sessions for KS2, KS1/ EYFS

Sessions provide a gentle and safe environment for children to develop resilience, perseverance and self confidence.

Our sessions are particularly suited to those children who suffer from anxiety within the busy classroom environment or who have a trauma profile. 

We have experience providing space for these children to develop and grow and have found over time that this enables them to access mainstream education with greater ease.

  • Weekly sessions, 2 hours each, includes:
    Half termly report to be shared with parent & school

    Referrals welcome from schools, organisations and families.

  • Places are limited to ensure high adult/ child ratios.

    Spaces to be booked in half termly blocks.

    Please see Alternative Provision page for term dates.

    Please contact us for more information and costs.

Home Learner Support

At Verbatim we offer bespoke sessions to children who are educated at home. Our sessions are delivered in a friendly and therapeutic environment to best suit the needs of your child. We can cater for all children, including gifted and talented, across the special needs spectrum and those with emotional barriers to learning. If your child or young person has physical needs please get in contact to discuss how we can best support them.

We can provide:

1:1 or small group sessions (including sibling groups)  run by therapeutic and nurturing practitioners who have a wealth of experience within education and therapy. 

  • Science



    Phonics and English (up to and including Key Stage 2)

  • Tailored to your child’s interests including -


    Therapeutic Play



    Cooking/Nutrition (available for children from 4 - 16 years)

  • For children with SEND (including children with an EHCP) for example, Speech and Language support delivered by qualified and highly experienced Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators.

  • Verbatim can offer your child the unique opportunity of having an assessment where both you and they feel most comfortable either within the home setting, school or at Verbatim. Read more above:

  • Our psychiatry service can offer assessment and diagnosis for ADHD and Autism. Read more here:

  • High levels of exam anxiety can be damaging to the well-being and academic achievement of adolescent students.

    Strategies for Tackling Exam Pressure and Stress (STEPS) is a six-session programme which has been shown to be effective in providing 14-16 year olds with the skills to manage their exam anxiety.   

    STEPS can be offered in group or 1:1 sessions.

    Alongside the STEPS Programme we can also offer sessions for parents focusing on how to support your child through their GCSE’s.  

SEND Information and Advice

Having an opportunity to talk through your child’s individual needs, both day to day, and as they progress through childhood and into adolescence can be really beneficial.

We offer a relaxed and safe space to talk, and are happy to meet for a one off appointment or for more ongoing support.

  • Our experienced Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators can help with:

    • understanding your child’s diagnosis / needs in the context of daily life

    • advising on ways to manage behaviours that challenge

    • helping you to navigate the education system and advocate for your child’s needs

    • signposting to other relevant services


  • Who can access these services?

    We offer services to young people up to the age of 16 years, with the exception of tuition which is available up to and including the end of Key Stage 2.

  • How do I access services?

    Parents and carers can contact us to book our Children and Young People services directly.

  • Where will my child be seen?

    We offer a flexible approach to provision and  can see your child at school, at Verbatim, or for some of our services in our outdoor settings.

  • Do you offer after school appointments?

    We can provide after-school, and holiday sessions and can also liaise with your child’s school to arrange appointments at school or during the school day if appropriate.

  • Can I get a Cognition and Learning Assessment through my children’s school?

    You may be able to arrange a Cognition and Learning Assessment through your child’s school which would be funded by the school. Getting an assessment via the school can sometimes be a frustrating and lengthy process. We offer a private service to help speed up this process, provide evidence towards EHCP application, and advice on effective ways to support children in their learning. Verbatim can offer your child the unique opportunity of having an assessment where both you and they feel most comfortable either within the home setting, school or at Verbatim.

  • How much will it cost?

    We have a transparent charging rate for all our services. When you contact us to enquire we will discuss with you the cost of the package of support you are interested in.