Self help and signposting to other organisations

The Samaritans- If you need someone to talk to in a confidential space, then you can contact the Samaritans on 116 123 any time, day or night. 

The National Sleep Helpline including a parent flyer. 

Just One Norfolk - A one stop shop for parents and professionals to support a range of child development stages, needs and concerns. 

ASD helping hands- Norfolk based charity which supports children who may or may not have a diagnosis of Autism/ASD

Autism Anglia - an independent charity that provides care and support to autistic children, adults and their families in East Anglia. 

Nelson’s Journey- supporting bereaved children and young people in Norfolk. 

Norfolk Early help 

Norfolk Community Directory - provides residents and families with information, advice, services and activities across Norfolk. 

Family Voice - A parent run charity for families, offering support to families of children with additional needs in Norfolk. 

SENDiASS - a statutory service providing free and impartial information, advice and support about special educational needs and disabilities.

Childline- There are lots of good resources for supporting anger/anxiety. 

Special Needs Jungle - parent-led information, resources and informed opinion about children and young people 0-25. 

Place 2 Be - Support and advice for children’s mental health. 

Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Parent support Padlet - contains many links to different support and advice for a range of different needs linked to SEMH. 

Norfolk Autism Padlet- Parent information.