Support to Schools

School Support Services

Our experienced SEND Consultants are very happy to discuss your support needs and tailor a package to meet your school’s needs. 

Examples of services we provide include termly/half termly school support meetings with senior leaders and the SENDCo to discuss individual children’s needs and plan for support and provision, drop-in ‘Advice Surgery’ for teaching staff, advice and support around SEND and email support and guidance.

For an initial FREE consultation meeting please contact us.

Cognition & Learning

We offer in-school assessment, observations and written reports that will include:

  • Daily classroom and individual strategies to support the child

  • Specific and general advice on how to learning can be supported at home

  • Written in a clear and readable form for professionals and parents

  • Presented in a dyslexic and visual stress friendly layout and format

  • Completed within 14 working days

  • A range of assessments are used to uncover the child’s learning profile revealing how they best learn and areas they may need support with and why. Areas assessed include:

    ● Understanding of language

    ● Non-verbal reasoning skills

    ● General intelligence strengths and weaknesses

    ● Working memory – both auditory and visual

    ● Phonic recognition and skills

    ● Reading accuracy, comprehension, fluency,

    ● Spelling and written skills

    ● Diagnostic testing for dyslexia and visual stress

    ● Assessment for numeracy and dyscalculia can also be requested.

    Whilst the data from these assessments is valuable, we are also interested in observing how the child manages tasks in terms of concentration, attention to task and self-esteem.

    All these areas are factored in when creating a full picture of a child’s particular learning style.

  • Whenever possible an observation is best undertaken when the child has not yet met us. Parents and Carers are not required to attend. One of us simply joins the class for a morning, or at a time when the school is reporting concerns and monitor the child. This might include, recording the following aspects:

    ● Attention

    ● Concentration

    ● Peer relations

    ● Staff relations

    ● Learning style

    ● Attachment style

    ● Fine and Gross motor skills

    ● General presentation

    Whenever possible, we will also meet with the key members of staff for your child to obtain their perspective and concerns. Information will then be feedback to parents and carers separately. At a later time, I then encourage a joint meeting with parents and school to plan a way forward.

  • All findings will then be provided within a formal report and will include:

    ● Daily classroom and individual strategies to support your child

    ● Specific and general advice on how to support learning at home

    ● Written in a clear and readable form for both parents and other professionals

    ● Presented in a dyslexic and visual stress friendly layout and format

    ● Sent within 14 working days to your home address and child’s school.

Bespoke Staff Training

All of our trainers have high level qualifications in their specific sectors which include forensic psychotherapy, clinical psychology, art psychotherapies, and integrative psychotherapy. We have vast experience of working with adults, children and families, and organisations. This means that trainees attending our courses will have the most up to date evidence based learning there is to offer at every level, beginning with some exciting day workshops.

Course delegate numbers are kept to a maximum of around 15-20 to ensure that experiential learning is available to everyone, where they will feel comfortable enough to join in group discussions and debates, which we fully support.

Courses can be adapted for individual and or team needs. We can host training here at Verbatim, or we can come to you!

    • Attachment

    • Brain Development in Adolescence

    • Introduction to Forensic Psychotherapy

    • labels Are For Jars, Not People

    • Managing Difficult Behaviour

    • Transference, Counter Transference & Projective Identification

    • Why Lie? Detecting Lying in Children & Adolescence

Exam Well-Being Programme

High levels of exam anxiety can be damaging to the well-being and academic achievement of adolescent students.

Strategies for Tackling Exam Pressure and Stress (STEPS) is a six-session programme which has been shown to be effective in providing 14-16 year olds with the skills to manage their exam anxiety.   

STEPS can be offered in group or 1:1 sessions.

Alongside the STEPS Programme we can also offer sessions for parents focusing on how to support your child through their GCSE’s.